For those who already hang, this is of course an excellent news – and you should be raising your chalky hands in celebration.
Yes, the longest Monkey Bars in Chennai runs inside Gymsquare.
For those, though, who don’t yet know the delights and benefits of bar crawling, we at Gymsquare are going to list for you the benefits of
hanging and reasons why you should start it with us today. Trust us, by the end of it you’ll never look at bars the same way again.
1. It’s a great way to get fit
People who hang are generally super fit, but then this is no surprise as the sport perfectly blends
strength and cardio exercises. During a typical bar crawling workout, you use your arms, grip, as well as your core!
Yes, that’s right, your core! Hanging & Crawling greatly relies on a strong core to give you that all-important balance.
Even better, you’ll use all of these muscles at the same time, its no wonder then all crawlers are super toned.
2. Mood booster
The benefits of bar crawling don’t just stop there. Like other high adrenaline sports,
it requires a different mindset than when you head out for a simple jog. With bar crawling, you also have to face your fears.
Namely, your fear of a fall, and of heights. But this sport teaches you how to cope with (if not conquer) your fears.
It’s also an excellent boost for your mood. At the top of that bar, you’ll feel great and on top of the world
(well, on top of the bar, but you get our point).
3. Reduce your stress
Like with any exercise, bar crawling helps to reduce your stress. You’ll become so focused on the bars,
and the will to conquer your line, that it’ll distract you from your day-to-day stresses.
What’s more, it will also teach you how to solve a problem, which in itself is a great strategy to have! In the end,
monkey bars teaches you many things, however, its biggest educational point is perhaps that in life, quite often, the only way is up.